Beyond the Sermon...

During this current sermon series called, “Beyond,” and as we peer into the unknown of God’s calling for our church beyond anything we can think or imagine, we wanted to give you and your family the opportunity to continue the journey during the week too. So, for the five weeks of this series, take some time with your family to think through these follow-up questions that go beyond just a sermon on Sabbath. May you be challenged to think about how these values can be lived out not only through the church, but in your daily life and in the life of your family.

Week 1 - WORSHIP

  • David and all of Israel were celebrating their victory over the Philistines, and as they celebrated their achievement, their actions became irreverent (Uzzah touched the ark). In what ways have you become irreverent when it comes to God?

  • For three months, David and all of Israel, spent time confessing their sin of treating God like a trophy, and they regained a reverent posture towards holy God. What needs to change in how you do life that would reverently honor God as holy? (examples: honoring Sabbath as a way to really spend time with God, stop taking His name in vain, deepening your prayer life to be more than just thanking Him for your food)

  • When David and the nation had humbled themselves and become reverent, they began to move the ark to Jerusalem. As they did this, they saw God’s forgiveness and grace and mercy in a real way. Where have you seen God’s grace, forgiveness and mercy in your life?

  • In response to God’s grace, David worshipped with everything that he had. He didn’t hold back and worshipped with all His heart.What is holding you back from worshipping with everything you’ve got? (examples: you feel you can only worship if you receive a blessing, you feel like you can only worship with your music style/preference)

  • How do you think your life would change if you worshipped more and with everything that you’ve got?

Week 2 - Family

  • Genesis 12:2 says that “God’s Family” is to be blessed and is to be a blessing. How has God blessed you? How are you to be a blessing?

  • Ephesians 1:3-6 talks about how God has planned, long before we were created, to be adopted into the Family of God.  How does it feel to have been chosen to join God’s family, even though you don’t deserve it? What are some words that describe how you feel?

  • As a church family, we are called to invest in the younger generation so that they will be blessed and will be a blessing to others.  In what ways can you invest in the younger generation?  What does that look like in your own family?

Week 3 - testimony

In Acts 4, Peter and John heal a lame man at the temple, and after he is healed, he leaps and jumps and praises God!  People gather around to see what has happened, so Peter begins to share the Gospel with them.  The religious leaders don't like this, so they throw them in prison and eventually interrogate them.  Peter BOLDLY shares the testimony about Jesus and even calls out the leaders for their part in killing Christ.

  • Sharing your testimony is part of being a disciple of Jesus, but that can be scary!  What part of sharing about God's love to others is scary?  (Ex. worried about what others will think, not sure what to say if they have questions, etc.)

  • Acts 4:13 says that it was obvious that Peter and John were "ordinary, unschooled men."  That means that they hadn't been to seminary.  They didn't have a degree in theology.  They were just a couple of dudes that love Jesus and wanted to tell others about them.  How does that make you feel in regards to not needing special schooling to share the gospel??  

  • Verse 13 says that when the men heard Peter and John, they took note that, "they had been with Jesus."  How powerful that as Peter and John shared their testimony, everyone knew that they were fully connected with Jesus.  Sharing your testimony is so powerful!  Who do you know that needs to hear your testimony of how you love Jesus?  How can you make that happen?

Week 4 - Service

  • In Acts 9, Tabitha's story is told of how she lived, how she died, and what an impact she made.  She was a true disciple - one whose life is dedicated to serving others.  He impact lasted long after she was dead.  She was known for, "doing good and helping the poor."  If you died, what would people remember you for?  What lasting impact have you made as a disciple?

  • As Peter comes into the room where Tabitha's body is lying, a group of widows swarm him as they show him the clothes that Tabitha had made for them.  It wasn't so much about the clothes as it was the love that she gave them by making them clothes.  Who has God put in your life that you have the rich opportunity to love them in powerful ways?  What does that look like?

  • Tabitha's name is translated as Dorcas, which, if you're an immature fourth grader, you might think that she has a busted name, yet, God used her in a powerful way to make a lasting impact even with busted parts of her life.  [Rhetorical question] What parts of your life are busted, or are areas that might be holding you back from really making an impact?

Week 5 - Togetherness

  • Togetherness is one of the most important parts of life, because it allows you to, "do life" with other people.  Doing life together makes it so much more enjoyable, and it really adds value to your life!  Who are some of the most important people in your life that you can't live without?

  • As a church family and community, we get the distinct honor of being a community of believer who do life together too!  Paul, the probably author of Hebrews, gets really specific about church togetherness when he says, "And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.”  In what ways have you seen some in the church community giving up on meeting together?

  • Paul also talks about spurring one another onward.  Cowboys where boots that have spurs that are gentle nudges to a horse to get them back on track and to help them move forward.  If Paul tells disciples to use spurs to gently nudge one another, what areas do you believe we are called to help each other move forward?  How can you do that?