Freedom Campaign

No matter if you are a regular attender, an online-only viewer, worship at 1st or 2nd Service, worship at Warehouse Community, or just enjoy the wonderful ministries of Forest Lake Church, this includes you! Together, we can go far and be more focused on God's mission, and the Freedom Campaign will help us do just that!

Watch the video below to get more details, and then use the form below to decide how you can be a part of moving Forest Lake Forward.


Freedom Campaign goal: $6,000,000

$6 Million is a lot of money!  Here's the simple breakdown of what makes that number.


Paying the building loan (and interest) for the Children's Ministry Center, New Lobby and Porte Cochere.


Paying the building loan (and interest) and additional money to finish Warehouse project.


Upgrading our audio system in the sanctuary.

Budgeting for Freedom

What would it look like to have financial sacrifice in your home?  Would it mean giving God a faithful tithe?  Would it mean going beyond that and giving an offering?  How much would that be?  What would stretch you financially to make you trust God with your finances?  

As a family or with your spouse or by yourself, use the format below to input the numbers from your budget and prayerfully see how God is asking you to sacrifice.  

    TOTAL MONTHLY INCOME: ______________

                           TITHE (10%): ______________

OFFERING (5%): ______________

FREEDOM CAMPAIGN (3-years) : ______________

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