Candy Graves DeVore


Realizing my goal of being a marriage and family therapist has taken a little longer than most, but along the way, I’ve acquired a wealth of life knowledge that I bring to the table. As a Marriage and Family Therapist, I approach counseling my clients with the highest ethical and moral obligations not only as required by the State of Florida, but also in keeping with my own personal beliefs and faith in God. It is my job to walk alongside my clients pointing out the different options that they may not see due to their pressing situation. Side-by-side we co-author a new narrative recognizing the solutions presented and focusing on effective management of the issues at hand. Plainly put, our time together is spent looking at life from a different perspective and finding the right tools that, when applied, allow for even a small change that can have significant ramifications in life.


MS Marriage and Family Therapy and Counseling

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist

Nationally Certified Counselor

Certified Compassion Fatigue Professional