1st Reading:
Michelle Elisa de Piña Coats from Mott Haven Spanish SDA – Bronx, NY
2nd Reading:
Liza Brown from College SDA – South Lancaster, MA
Priscilla Perez from Houston Spanish NW SDA – TX
1st Reading:
Angelia Gordon to Plymouth-Sorrento SDA – Apopka, FL
Aimee Hausinger Powell to Florida Living SDA – Apopka, FL
Mike Schultz to St Petersburg SDA – FL
Melissa Barnhart Aho to Carmel SDA – IN
Misael & Priscilla Chairez to Decatur SDA – AL
Henry & Norma Linares to Lookout Mountain SA – Rising Fawn, GA
Steve Kantner – upcoming surgery
Roger Anderson – recovering
Our Graduates
The Staff at Forest Lake Church is always praying for you, but if there are specific prayer requests you would like mentioned during our worship services, please contact the church office at (407) 869-0680.
Need Prayer??
Interactive Prayer Room
Located right of sanctuary on exit
Daily Prayer Line: 425.436.6321 at 7:15 am/pm Access Code: 763000#
Prayer Requests: Fill out card in pew or email
The Sanctuary flowers, this Sabbath, are given by Jeremy and Lola Cotto in celebration of their 13th wedding anniversary on May 21.
Help make our church beautiful by sponsoring a flower arrangement in honor of a special event in your life!
Contact Mark Becker at Please include the following information: name, phone number, email address, date you would like to sponsor, occasion/message.
May 20: Local Church Budget
May 27: Florida Advance
June 03: Local Church Budget
June 10: Women's Ministries (NAD)
"For the LORD your God is God of gods and Lord of lords, the great, the mighty, and the awesome God, who is not partial and takes no bribe. He executes justice for the fatherless and the widow, and loves the sojourner, giving him food and clothing. Love the sojourner, therefore, for you were sojourners in the land of Egypt." Deut. 10:17-19
Every week finds new families coming to our community from Eastern Europe, particularly Russian and Ukrainian immigrants and refugees looking to escape the conflict and provide a better life for their children. We have a desperate need for housing. Many families are able to rent but have a difficult time getting into local housing quickly enough due to extensive documentation requirements often beyond the limited papers the families are initially provided.
Do you have a home, apartment, or space in your home that you would be willing to open and rent to one of these families?
If you know of anything, please contact Olga Melnik at or Pastor Julie at
ROKU and APPLE TV App Users
It has come to our attention that number of our online viewers can no longer conveniently access our Sanctuary Services through our Roku and Apple TV apps. We have been working hard on resolving this issue. In the meantime, you can access our livestream by going to the YouTube app (found in the same place where you found the Forest Lake Church) and searching for "Forest Lake SDA Church." We also stream to Facebook and our website. If you need any help, please reach out to the church office, and we will try to do our best to find a solution that works for you. Stay tuned as we hope to find a solution very soon!